Strong Hearted takes an IFC Win
Strong Hearted...and strong willed! It was as cold inside as it was outside on a Sunday in January in KCK's "No Budget Studios." where filmmaker Kyle Kelley set up shop to shoot what became the
award winning film, "Stong Hearted" in the IFC 1-3-5 competition.
I got the call late Sunday morning to come in and photograph, and oh, by the way, pick up some pizza. The cast and crew were hungry and cold! I was forwarned that there was little heat in the studio so I dressed appropriately. However... the cast and crew didn't have the "heads up." Nevertheless, in spite of the cold, the experience was lots of fun! I'm always amazed and delighted at the talent, the workmanship, and high spirits everyone exhibited.
As for photographing... it was high contrast lighting. The natural light was beautiful coming in through the big windows, but with lots of walls and partitions, the rest of the place was dark. I brought my Canon 6D but didn't use a flash because of filming. Setting the camera at ISO 2500 and f/8 allowed enough light to handhold the camera and capture some candid behind the scenes shots.